Colleges and Majors

Departments marked with asterisks (*) are English track majors.

College of English

The College of English developed from the Department of English Linguistics and played a significant role in the history of HUFS. Currently positioned as a standout in the field of English education, the College of English was reorganized in 2005, in order to stay ahead of current trends in English learning and increase specializations in English language studies; British and American literature, and interpretation and translation. With a solid academic foundation, the College of English is well-equipped to cultivate a global standard of expertise in the field.

      • *ELLT (English Linguistics and Language Technology)

      • English Literature and Culture

      • *EICC (English for International Conferences and Communication)

College of Humanities


      • Philosophy

      • History

      • Linguistics and Cognitive Science

College of Occidental Languages

The College of Occidental Languages, a pillar in the founding of HUFS, offers the study of eight foreign languages of western and northern Europe. Every department in the College of Occidental Languages is highly acclaimed in its relevant field and contributes to the advancement of humanities studies and society.

Division of French Language

      • Applied French Linguistics and Literature

      • FATI

      • French and European Studies

  • German

  • Russian

  • Spanish

  • Italian

  • Portuguese

  • Dutch

  • Scandinavian Languages

College of Interpretation & Translation

School of English For Interpretation & Translation

      • English-Korean Interpretation and Translation Studies

      • Interpretation and Translation for International Trade and Relations in English-speaking Areas

      • English Literature and Translation

      • TESOL & English Linguistics

  • German Interpretation and Translation

  • Spanish Interpretation and Translation

  • Italian Interpretation and Translation

  • Chinese Interpretation and Translation

  • Japanese Interpretation and Translation

  • Thai Interpretation and Translation

  • Arabic Interpretation and Translation

  • Malay-Indonesian Interpretation and Translation

College of Asian Languages & Cultures

      • Malay-Indonesian

      • Arabic

      • Thai

      • Vietnamese

      • Hindi

      • Turkish and Azerbaijani

      • Persian

      • Mongolian

College of Central & East European Studies

      • Polish

      • Romanian

      • Czech and Slovak Studies

      • Hungarian

      • South Slavic Studies

      • Ukrainian Studies

College of Chinese

The first school of its kind ever to be established among Korean universities, the College of Chinese provides a specialized education that encompasses not only language studies but various areas in the field of of Chinese Studies. Graduates leave equipped with globally-oriented theoretical and practical capabilities.

Division of Chinese Language, Literature, and Culture

      • Chinese Language, Literature, and Culture

Division of Chinese Foreign Affairs and Commerce

      • Chinese Foreign Affairs and Commerce

College of International & Area Studies

      • French Studies

      • Brazilian Studies

      • Greek and Bulgarian Studies

      • Indian Studies

      • Central Asian Studies

African Studies

      • Studies of East African Language and Culture

      • Studies of West African Language and Culture

      • Studies of South African Language and Culture

  • Russian Studies

  • Korean Studies

Division of International Sports and Leisure

College of Japanese

To fulfill its vision of building a center for fostering world-class specialists on Japan, the college's faculty continuously strives to improve its academic quality and strengthen its position as a globally competitive institution, one recognized for innovation and advanced research responding to international demands. The college defines its educational goal as nurturing Japan specialists through inquiry into language, literature and area studies.

Division of Japanese Language, Literature, and Culture

      • Japanese Language, Literature, and Culture

Division of Integrated Japanese Studies

      • Integrated Japanese Studies

College of Business & Economics

Division of Global Business and Technology

      • Global Business and Technology

  • International Finance

College of Social Sciences

      • Political Science and Diplomacy

      • Public Administration

Media Communication Division

      • Journalism and Media Studies

      • Advertising, Public Relations, Branding

      • Broadcasting, Film, New Media

College of Natural Science

      • Mathematics

      • Statistics

      • Electronic Physics

      • Environmental Science

      • Bioscience and Biotechnology

      • Chemistry

College of Business & Economics

*International Economics and Law

Economics Division

      • Economics

Business Administration Division

      • Business Administration

College of Engineering

Computer and Electronic Systems Engineering

      • Computer and Electronic Systems Engineering

  • Information and Communications Engineering

  • Electronics Engineering

  • Industrial and Management Engineering

  • Biomedical Engineering

College of Education

      • English Education

      • French Education

      • German Education

      • Chinese Education

      • Korean Education

Division of Biomedical Engineering

      • Biomedical Engineering

Division of International Studies

*International Studies

Division of KFL

      • Korean Education as a Foreign Language

      • Korean Interpretation and Translation as a Foreign Language